Mobile Me Finder
My Bucket Finder project was recently featured on Hak5 and one of the feedback messages mentioned that Mobile Me works in the same way as Amazon S3 and lets users access their public accounts through URLs in the form<account name>. This tool is a modification of Bucket Finder to run through Mobile Me accounts.
I've also written up the research and results in a couple of blog articles.
The syntax is the same as for Bucket Finder, simply provide a word list and off it goes, for any public accounts it finds it enumerates all directories and files in them.
I don't think it needs anything more than the built in modules so you shouldn't need to install any gems. Just grab the file, make it executable and run it.
I've tested it in Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 so there should be no problems with versions.
Basic usage is simple, just start it with a wordlist:
./me_finder.rb my_words
and it will go off and do your bidding.
You can also specify the --download option to download all public files found. Be careful with this as there are a lot of large files out there. I'd personally do the general search then only use this option with a select subset of account names:
./me_finder.rb --download my_words
The files are downloaded into a folder with the account name and then the appropriate structure from the site.
If you want to log the output to a file you can use the --log-file option:
./me_finder.rb --log-file me_output.log my_words