PenTester Scripting
Sun 7th Nov 09
I don't remember the full details, but about a month ago there was a short discussion on Twitter about coding scripts for pen testing and I made the comment that it would be good to have a website that brought together into one place all the useful scripts that are kicking around in people personal toolkits. Somehow from this comment Kevin Johnson bought the domain and I suddenly found myself involved in yet another project.
As already stated, the idea of the project is to bring together into one place all the scripts that people find useful either on a day-to-day basis or maybe just wrote to solve one particular problem. My belief here is that if one person has found the need to script a task then there will undoubtibily be others out there who would also like the task automated but either by lack of skill or time aren't able to do so.
The site is broken down into sections covering the classic stages of a penetration test, from initial reconisance through mapping and exploitation to exfiltration and report writing. There is also a section for broken or unfinished scripts where people can post projects they started but for some reason never got fixed. It is hoped people can adopt these scripts and either finish them off or salvage parts to create new projects.
How fast the site grows is up to the community. We are happy to accept scripts in any language, from the most mundane few lines through to large life enhancing wonders. When submitting a script please include a brief description of what it does and how it does it so people can learn as well as leech if they want to. Please don't feel embarrassed, remember, every scripter had to start somewhere. Scripts can be submitted to
So, please visit PenTester Scripting, submit anything you have that you think others will benefit from and spread the word, the more people who come to the site the more it will grow and the more it will enhance the community.